A Career with Valeo
At Valeo Pharma, we recruit and develop passionate and committed individuals with a thirst for knowledge, hunger for challenge and desire to be part of a winning team. We acknowledge that our people are the source of our strength and success and reward them with an environment that promotes both personal and professional growth.
If you are interested in pursuing a career at Valeo Pharma, please send your résumé to the attention of our Human Resources Department at [email protected]
Our Working Environment
Valeo Pharma proudly operates as a socially responsible company:
Diversity & Equality
Dedicated to meeting a high corporate citizenship standard, we provide a culturally inclusive and equal opportunity work environment that offers all employees personal and professional growth.
Healthy Living
Our dynamic company atmosphere positions the well-being and safety of our employees at the forefront of our corporate culture. By providing competitive benefits and supporting a healthy work/life balance we have established ourselves as a valued employer.
Charitable Contributions
Proudly giving back to the community which we serve, Valeo Pharma generously supports both personal and corporate philanthropic efforts such as the West-Island Palliative Care Center, Health Partners International, Heart & Stroke Foundation and the Canadian Dermatology Foundation.